The club held its third trial of the season.
Novice AV Spaniel Stake at Lackford and Cavenham Estate by kind permission of Mr Robert Gough and Mr Wayne Alford on Saturday 23rd November 2024 judges were Mr J Illife (A:2497) & Mr J Elliot (NP) awards as follows
1ST - Coverscout Amethyst at Tilaries owned and handled by J Earey
2nd- Churail Candour owned and handled by V Gross
Guns Choice - Churail Candour owned and handled by V Gross
Congratulations to the winners and all in the awards.

Thanks goes to the judges for giving up their time and supporting the club, to all the helpers, our wonderful secretary Sue for all her hard work, Mr Robert Gough for allowing us to use his wonderful grounds with lots of birds over the dogs and Mr Wayne Alford and team for providing fabulous hospitality.