The club held its first trial of the season
Novice AV Spaniel stake at Place Farm, Norwich, Norfolk bkpo Henry Darling on Thursday the 3rd October judges were Mr G Veasey (A 2753) and Mr N Clitheroe (n/p) awards as follows
1ST Heathcroft Karter owned by J Wheeler and handled by M Colclough
2nd- Churail Charis at Arizevel owned and handled by T Carrick
3rd- Deepfleet Druid owned and handled by P Avery
4th - Deepfleet Carsar owned and handled by P Avery
COM - Greenfox Cappuccino owned and handled by A Gyton
COM - Julzcrackers Spring owned and handled by A Lack
Guns Choice - Greenfox Cappuccino owned and handled by A Gyton
Congratulations to the winners and all in the awards.
Thanks goes to the judges for giving up their time and supporting the club, to all the helpers, our wonderful secretary Sue for all her hard work and Henry Darling for allowing us on his wonderful grounds and providing amazing hospitality.
