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VENUE:  Freelands, Brightlingsea, Essex, CO7 0SU by kind permission of Mr A Waterhouse, Romanriver Gundogs


DATE: Saturday 22nd June 2024


COST: Members £60/Non Members £75/WGC £5


TRAINERS (to include): Andy Waterhouse (A Panel), Brian Sadler (B Panel), Owen Russell (B Panel), Ray Clark (NP)


The LWSS are excited to hold their third training clinic following last year's success.  This is another opportunity for handlers and their dogs to spend a day with a group of experienced Kennel Club Field Trial panel judges, who have been selected for the day because they are good at training on what's on both ends of the lead and not just the dog!  The day will be supportive and friendly with the emphasis on problem solving to help you to prepare yourself and your dog for the shooting field and/or competitions.


The day will consist of small groups of dogs and handlers (max 5) with all similar experience, this will be assessed by a questionnaire sent via email on registration.  Each group will work with a trainer on specific disciplines including heel work, steadiness, encouraging a good hunting patter and retrieving.  there will be a chance to change dogs if handlers bring more than one.  For the braver souls there will be the option of a fun working test in the afternoon which will be the perfect introduction for those thinking of having a go at our tests and/or trials later in the season.  This can also be incorporated into the assessment for the Kennel Club Working Gundog Certificate if handlers want to have a go.


The venue is a purpose built spaniel training ground situated just outside Colchester, close to Brightlingsea.  There is plenty of space to train on a variety of ground including grassland, cover strips and water.  There is also an established rabbit pen where demonstrations will show you how to introduce a young dog to a pen and how to use it with more experienced dogs for training, if this would be of interest.  The opportunity to work your dog with a trainer can be arranged.


Refreshments will be provided on arrival and throughout the day.  There will be a bbq around lunchtime.


Numbers will be limited to 20 participants to enable everyone to get the best out of the day.  There will be 4 main trainers plus several experienced helpers to assist them,.  If more than 20 participants apply a reserve list will be compiled.


Entry via our usual working test entry form stating 'Novice Training clinic' at the top of the form.  If you wish to participate in the WGC a separate form is required, please attach to the entry form.  This should be sent with your payment via email or by post to the Working Test Secretary (address on the form or sent by email to the


Places on a first come/first served basis.


Cost of the day:  £60 for members or £75 non-members (this includes the bbq).  The WGC is an extra £5 for those wishing to enter both must be prepaid by cheque or directly into the LWSS bank account on confirmation of your place.  Payment by BACS is preferred into the LWSS account.  These details are:  The London Working Spaniel Society, HSBC account no. 41516434, Sort Code 40-34-38 (classed a business account).  Cheques and cash will not be accepted on the day.


Start time:  09.00-09.30


Contact on the day:  07956 639406





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