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We held our annual training clinic and assessment day on Saturday 22nd June in Brightlingsea by kind permission of Mr A Waterhouse, Romanriver Gundogs.

The instructors were Andy Waterhouse (A panel judge) , Julie Cracknell (B panel judge), Brian Saddler (B panel judge) and Jason Toon (B panel judge)

The event sold out quickly as is always a hit with attendees and this year did not fail to deliver.

Attendees were split into groups and made their way around all the instructors to work on different elements of the dogs gundog work. There were lots of happy faces as people and their dogs had wins together and learnt new skills or refined old ones.

Attendees were also given a demo of how to work/train dogs in a rabbit pen and able to get close to the action walking behind the instructors watching them work their dogs and pick up some useful tips.

There was then a mock working test that people had the option to take part in. This can be a daunting experience for some but with the support from other handlers, the LWSS team and the instructors several had a go. The instructors gave helpful feedback on everyone's runs and people were able to take this away to work on at home. We hope to see some of you have a go at our Autumn test in September.

5 participants also entered for their working gundog certificate and I am pleased to report that all 5 passed. Congratulations to you all!

The day ended with a fabulous BBQ put on by LWSS team member Susan our hostess with the mostess and her able helpers!

Thank you too all those that donated raffle prizes we made £80.

Massive thank you to all the trainers and helpers, without you the day could not have happened and of course Andy for his wonderful grounds.

And thank you to all the attendees for being your wonderful selves and making the day such fun, we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

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